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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chevy Volt: The car of the future... if Idiocricy Came True

Welcome to Costco, I love you. Props if you get the reference. So today Chevy announced pricing of the all new 2012 Chevy Volt. For the low price of $41,000 you can now get a gasoline/coal powered hybrid. Honestly, what could be more attractive for suburbanites than a vehicle that pollutes thousand of miles away at the beginning of the electrical grid? With an amazing range of less than 100 miles on an electric charge, and a record refueling time of 8 hours.... a cross country road trip will only set you back about 8 weeks. That's less than the time it took you to cross America in Oregon Trail, except your oxen all died of dysentry. Even if you factor in the $7,500 in federal payments directly to General Motors, you are still out the thousands of dollars for the charging station. There is a price we pay for being smug. I'm going to hold out until it runs on Brawndo, because it's what stupid cars crave.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Goodbye PT Cruiser

In a move absolutely surprising to no one, Chrysler has decided that it's look-what-was-so-retro-but-is-now-dated snoozer wagon has had enough. So Friday, the last PT Cruiser rolled off the line. Is it really so surprising that a huge shell thrown on a Dodge Neon frame, that had been made without revision for 10 years, wouldn't succeed? What next, the Crown Victoria? That's like trying to re-sell me the American Pie all over again in several loosely connected sequels featuring that bushy eyebrowed fellow Eugene Levy. Damn you Netflix...